Does this thing still work?

Between a computer crash, an international trip and the daily ins and outs of being a Mum, this blog has taken a backseat in my life. If anyone still actually follows me, then they must be my good friend hoping for some crumbs… or perhaps they just have no life....

When things don’t flow right… part 2

Well, the Plumber finally came back today and finished the job. For the last week our toilet has been perched creatively in against the wall opposite the place it belongs. And there’s been a huge gaping, root and weed infested hole in the floor with tile and...

When things don’t flow right…

We’ve been having problems with the plumbing in our main bathroom. The water just won’t drain when we flush the toilet. It takes about an hour for it to go down. Needless to say, we haven’t used that toilet for quite some time. Finally, we were able...

Bless Chiang Mai Children’s Prayer Event

Friday November 12, 2010 marked the first Bless Chiang Mai (BCM) Children’s Prayer Event. Since 2000 Bless Chiang Mai has held an annual prayer event in Chiang Mai where the churches come together to prayer for Thailand. Usually about 3000 people attend, from...

The Tools for The Cure

I could be making mega bucks off this, but I’m just giving it away, cause I’m nice. This is all you need to Cure you child’s Sleep Problems:Miss Three’s new sanctuary, enhanced by teddy bears, glow in the dark stars and Winnie the Pooh applique...