An Interview with Jennifer Saake

Jennifer Saake wrote one of my favourite books: Hannah’s Hope. Here is a great radio interview that gives awesome insight into the life of a woman who is suffering infertility. I am in tears listening to it right now, because I feel like she is describing my...

Whale Watching

Yesterday, just as Sean and I were preparing ourselves for a day of work, Stephanie called to say that there was a pod of whales down the coast, about an hour away. So, we packed some lunch, jumped in the car and headed for Basham Beach in Middleton, SA.We expected to...

Blast from the Past

This is for Karen.It’s a photo of Sean and his brother David from long ago. It turns out that Karen met the Sanborns eons ago, and this is just a little reminder…….. They are singing something in a Karen (pronounced Ka-ren) Village in N. Thailand....

Escaping Adulthood #4

The Challenge: Add something childlike (not necessarily childish) to your workspace or home.I’ve been sick for a week, so haven’t been able to get number 3 done, so I just skipped ahead to number 4.I really wanted Mum to dig out one of my childhood teddies...