Wow, another month has flown by. Samantha is now 4 months old and growing so fast!! My little Princess is finding her voice and ‘talking’ an awful lot. She just loves to chat with her toys, the lights, the wall, shadows, and, of course, with Mummy and...

Life with Samantha…

I have dropped out of blogland for a while, due to the demands of motherhood. My sister is a big advocate for ‘attachment parenting’, and even though I don’t fully understand the philosophy, I have accidentally stumbled into it: ie, Samantha is not...

Our New Truck

I was gonna wait till we got the next newsletter out before I let the cat out of the bag, but I just can’t wait any longer.On June 6, we bought now new truck. I will post more details later. For now, here’s a picture of our 2002 Toyota Hilux 4WD truck....

Photo Fest…

Some photos of Princess Poopy Pants and her loyal subjects….Our Beautiful Princess.With Mum and Dad – aka “Milk Factory” and “Waste Management”Mum and The Princess hanging outOmah – aka “The Queen Mum”

I got tagged…

Thank you, Tamara, for forcing me to update my blog….So, for this lovely little Meme, I have to tell youEight Random Things About Me. Now on to the rules (plagiarized from Tamara):1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.2. Each player starts...