The Continuing Saga of the Broken Housewife

I discovered this morning that my Housewife Add On is still corrupt. I thought that it had been reloaded and updated with the Latest Version. But Recent Market Research indicates that I’m still having problems with it. Last night, I put my Sleepy Jet Lagged...

Another Trans Pacific Trip

Traveling with Kids is always fun. You never know quite what to expect – from the kids or the people around you.Like the guy sitting in the isle seat next to Darling Husband and Darling Daughter on our flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong. As soon as he saw us...

Living Out of A Suitcase

It’s been 7 days since we moved into the Hotel. Since then, both Master Two and Miss Four have gotten sick. Darling Husband’s body has been trying to get sick, but somehow his mind keeps overcoming the Attack of The Germs. I’m in Survival Mode. Just...

The Whirlwind

On Tuesday we picked up DH’s Mom from the airport, and began to finalize for our week. We would move out of the house on Saturday, complete all the packing, and then the movers were to come the following Tuesday. That evening, the mover came and informed us that...