Day 11: Peace

Today I’m chuckling again. Actually, I’m laughing out loud. God what are you trying to teach me?Last night was a rough night. Bedtime Battles, followed by Insomnia, followed by Darling Son crying without end (well an hour) and refusing to be soothed. Then...

Day 10: Joy

I have to chuckle at today’s topic: JOY!!Right now, I’m not feeling joyful. We are having one of the worst bedtime battles we have had in a VERY long time. Part of me wants to give and just put the portable DVD player on their bed and let them fall asleep...

21 Days…. Nine Days In.

Why did I join the ’21 Days of Prayer for Sons’ family?I’m Mummy to two adorable kids.One Girl (4).Peek a Boo! One Boy (2). War PaintI love them to pieces. My daughter is the most beautiful little Princess in the whole world. My son, the most...

Day 9: Love

Encouragement from Brooke (from the Leaders’ Guide)Today we take our first step into one of my favorite verses to pray for my sons. I pray it most every day, if not in its entirety, at least in part. If I could only choose one verse to pray for my boys for the...

Day 8: Honour

Definition of HONOR (Webster’s Dictionary)1 a : good name or public esteem : reputation b : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition honor to our founder> 2 : privilege honor of joining the captain for dinner> 3 : a person of superior standing...