After reading my Thursday 13, my Darling Husband asked me, “So, you’ve been to South America and Antarctica, have you?”
My response, “Huh?”
“Well, you said here (TT#1) that you’ve been to every continent but Africa.” He’s laughing at me again!!!!! He does that alot these days.
In High School, I got straight A’s for my work in Geography. It was my favourite subject, and I loved studying the map and learning about places ‘unknown’ and exotic. I was very proud of my knowledge of the world. So, what do I do, I go and display my ignorance to the world by forgetting about South America and Antartica!!!
A friend of mine says that babies need DHA (brain material) to grow, and they’ll take it directly from their mums brains if need be. That’s why pregnant women are scatter-brained and forgetful. Well, I do like blaming my Little Jelly Bean for certain things , but somehow I think that this stupid mistake can be credited compeletely and totally to Anne Sanborn. I’m amazed that noone else picked up on my pathetically proud display of my ‘well travelled-ness’. Or lack thereof.
LOL, Anne!
Well, to brighten you day, make sure and take a look at my blog this morning – . You are the winner of the drawing for a free book! 😀