Much of my blog is about our journey through Infertility. So I want to provide resources for my family & friends to have a better understanding of what we are walking through, and perhaps give encouragement and support to friends that are travelling this IF road with us.

Below are links to helpful websites regarding Infertility, and the effects that it has on couples who are dealing with it. Chances are that you know someone near you that is suffering from IF (other than me). These sites give information about the grief and pain that couples endure, and also the myths that surround IF. They also give tips about how to help and understand a tiny little bit of what your friends are going through. Eventually I will put them in my links section, but for now I wanted to highlight them.

ACCESS: Australia’s National IF Network – Helpful tips for Family and Friends of IF couples, to help them understand the journey.

RESOLVE: U.S. National IF Association – This page lists some myths and facts about IF.

RESOVLE: Things We Wish You Knew – A list of things I could never say to your face, but I long for you to understand.

RESOLVE: Advice to Family and Friends. Also some things I find it very hard to say, but need you to know.

Christian Support Resources that I highly recommend for any couple on the IF journey, no matter where you are on the way. These organizations also provide support for pregnancy and child loss, and Adoption loss.

Stepping Stones – I recommend their bi-monthly newsletter. But it is also a great sight if you want to get a deeper understanding of what your family/friend is going through.

Hannah’s Prayer – I highly recommend you check out this organisation. The site has links to lots of other helpful sites, and an online forum for women who are enduring IF, pregnancy loss, adoption loss, child loss. There are also Hannah’s Prayer Conferences and support groups all over the world. In the past year, this international group of women have been my lifeline and my support in my struggle with IF and the grief after losing my son, Peter, to miscarriage. They also have a good page regarding supporting a loved one on their journey through IF.