Well, we’re back in California. I slept until 10am this morning. Oh glorious sleep!! And then went to a bible study – wouldn’t you know it, it was the last study of The Patriarchs!! I think God is trying to tell me something, and I’m getting the message loud and clear. Have faith, keep hold of the promise, even with it seems like it’ll never happen. One one the cool things she talked about today was that the guys in Hebrews 11 hall of fame held onto the promise, and never saw it fulfilled in their life time. But they kept their eyes on something more, a better country, a prize far greater than what this world can offer. Jesus!! She made this great comment, which I can’t quote directly, but something along the lines that often we think that this is it. God HAS to do it all and fulfill it all NOW and through me. Cause when I’m gone, it’s all over. But that’s not true. Sometimes God gives us a promise, something to work towards, that is far greater than me or you. The fulfillment will not be seen for generations. But we must remain faithful. And that will be credited as righteousness. Just look at Joseph. He got sold into slavery at Shecham, and guess where his bones were laid 400 years later after the Exodus – Shecham. I know that seems random, but in the context of the study, it’s really very cool to see how God always brings things full circle. What seems like detours, delays and even certain death, God turns into redemption and life for us and for generations to come.

I don’t know where God is taking Sean and I in the coming months, but I am excited to see what He’s gonna do, and how He’s gonna shape and change us and our vision for Thailand, and how He’s gonna grow our little family.