Wow, I am actually enjoying this freedom. I go to bed as late as I want (last night it was 2am, cause I was carried away re-arranging furniture), and sleeping as late as my brain will let me. Then it’s off to explore this new region I will be calling home for a while. It’s not home yet, cause Sean isn’t here, but I’m doing my best to make our little apt as homey as possible. My mum has graciously let me dominate the use of her car while I run all over the place trying to find the best bargains on the little finishing touches one needs to make ones house a home.

This is actually the first time that I have had to take care of setting up a home by myself – signing a lease, getting a home phone & internet, water and electricity**. Can you believe that I am 33 and I’ve never had to do all that?? I moved out of home when I was 21, but I sublet a room from a friend, and so the lease, phone, bills etc were already set up. And since I married, Sean’s name has always been on the bills. So, I feel like I am experiencing a ‘right of passage’ about a decade late. I’m a happy little Vegemite. Oh, and the biggest surpise of all : I enjoy driving!!! I usually hate it. Athough, I have to say, South Australians are very agressive drivers, and I don’t like. They are really rude on the road, and talk about road rage! Off road, they are wonderful. I love how friendly and helpful everyone has been.

Having said all that, I really miss Sean !!! I can’t wait till he gets here next week. So, just because I want to be close to him right now, I will share a picture of us at the beach in Coffs Harbour.

**all complicated by the fact that I’ve lived in on 2 different continents for a decade, and don’t have all the ID Docs that I need.