Most of you are thinking – big deal, lots of babies are overdue! Well, I am just as impatient as every other mum on the planet waiting for their Little Kick Boxer to be born. And this one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere fast. She’s quite content to swim and kick around in my belly, enjoying the warmth and the free ride. People keep telling me to ride a motorbike down a bumpy road to get things moving. But I think I’ll give that particular ‘remedy’ a miss.
One good thing I guess is that we are getting alot of stuff done. I organized the filing in our office yesterday, and today I might just organize my kitchen appliance cupboard. Depends how hot the kitchen gets…
The other day Sean asked me what I would prefer – the discomfort of edema, achiness of a huge cannon ball attached to my torso and using the bathroom every 5 minutes, or a screaming, pooping, vomiting bundle of flesh to take care of. Right now I would totally be content with the latter. I mean, I’m already sleep deprived, so bring it on!
And in the immortal words of the my cousin (in-law) Sage: As I recall, every single day of the last 10 weeks (of pregnancy) lasts approximately 8 years.
Hang in there kiddo, it’s gonna be well worth it!!!!!!!!!!! You waited 8 years, a few days won’t hurt, right??!!!!!
Hi Anne
I had a dream about you 2 nights ago. I had forgotten the actual due date of your bub but knew it was drawing closer. Well Liz and I both woke up on the Tuesday morning and wondered if you had gone into labour??
In my dream you had had your little bundle and it was a Samuel not a Samantha – LOL.
Anyway Just thought I would say a quick hi and let you know we are still thinking of you.
Glad to hear that the baby has turned and everything is set for a smooth birth