Well, here I sit, actually feeling a little human today. Perhaps I have made it over some magical mummy hump, or maybe it’s just a good day. Who knows? Samantha is 22 days old. I can’t believe that it’s only been 3 weeks. It feels so much longer. But to know it’s been such a short time does help me to come to terms with the fact that I’m still learning how to do this mummy thing, and that I still have soooooo many things to learn. For instance, (and please don’t gasp in horror when I tell you this) today I finally learnt how to give Sam a bath. In the hospital I was too weak to make the journey from the 10th floor to the nursery on the 2nd floor, so Sean was the one who bathed her each day. And upon arriving home, I was unable to squat over our little baby bath on the floor, so Mum and Sean took care of bathing responsibilities. Today, Mum set up the bath on the dining room table and taught me how to bath my little treasure. She really loves taking a bath, which is nice, cause it would be very stressful to have to bathe a screaming baby, especially the first time… I feel like I have accomplished so much! Silly, isn’t it. Then, to top off the feeling of accomplishment and closeness, as I held Sam and talked to her after her bath, she looked straight into my eyes and gave me a huge smile! My baby’s first smile! How cool is that. No, it wasn’t gas. She smiled with her eyes and her mouth, repeatedly. Then she decided it was time to go to sleep.
And just for the record. I have the cutest little bambino in the world! You can’t argue with a MUM!
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