A couple of weeks ago we all went to check out the new I.S. Baby Shop behind the big Carrefour superstore. Talk about Mummy and Baby Paradise! I wish it had been there when I was pregnant! Seriously, I was coveting all the baby stuff that is just so much better than the things I own. Bad Mummy!

As Mummy wandered around the store going, “Ohh wow! look at this!”, “Ooo ooo, they have that!”, Daddy and Samantha were playing on the slide and tricycles. I watched my Princess scootin’ around the store, smiling and laughing. And I really wanted to buy that trike! Alas, tricycles do not fall within the Sanborn budget. So, after I’d finished my window shopping and bought a the diapers we needed, we took our Princess home.

At about 5pm we got a phone call.
“Do you guys want a tricycle for Samantha?”
“Yes! We’d love one!”, Sean said.

Our friends donated a tricycle (and some other stuff) to the local YWAM orphanage, but they didn’t need it. So they called us! Imagine that! Orphans gave my Little Princess a tricycle! God works in mysterious ways. We took photos of Samantha on her trike so the kids could see how much she loves it. The kids were excited to learn the joy of giving for themselves. Samantha also visits the Home of Joy at least once a week, and they love her there. I think they enjoy having a ‘little sister’ to play with.