This morning we went to the Lab to have blood tests (nothing serious, all routine). Samantha insisted on watching. She was very interested in Sean’s blood being drawn, asking q’s and chatting the whole way through. He’s very good at putting her at ease, and he’s not bothered by needles. So it was just a fascinating part of the day. She stood very close and it looked like she was inspecting the nurses technique.

When I sat down to get my blood taken, we initially thought Sean and Sam should leave the room (because I don’t like needles and sometimes I faint).  Then I decided that no, she needs to stay, and I need to tough it out.  Well, being the Perceptive Princess that she is, Samantha knew there was something negative in our indecisiveness, and she became a little upset and panicky. So, I decided to talk her through the whole procedure while the nurse draw blood. She was very glad she didn’t have to sit down after me!

When I was done, she asked to see my ‘owie’. I took the bandaid off too soon, and blood started gushing out… followed by me saying, “Oh yeah, Mummy’s a bleeder.”  How’s that for traumatizing Miss TwoPointFive! All that work for nothing! LOL.

It was actually very therapeutic to explain to Samantha what was going on and why, to have the responsibility to remain calm and try my best not to instill in her one of my phobias. I think I might need her to come to all my blood tests/injections to help keep me focused. I’ll just have to make sure I don’t bleed all over her next time.