Outside my window…the sun is shining brightly, despite the blanket of smog, haze, and particles of burnt forest that hangs over the city. Most days I can’t see the mountain, which is only a few kilometers from my house. I don’t go outside much, as the kids and I risk coughing up a lung or two when we do. Outings usually consist of running from a/c house to a/c car to a/c mall/house/office. (note: a/c means air conditioned.)
I’m thinking… I’ve had the makings of a joke or funny story running round my brain. Between the housework, the kids, the pollution and the heat, that’s about all my brain has the capacity for.
I’m thankful for… my friends who pray for me. When I’m freaking out, it’s nice to know I have someone I can call on and say, ‘Help!’ It’s been a freak out week! Love you guys. Thanks.
I’m reading… The Bible. What a concept! I’ve started listening to an online audio bible, and I’ve also downloaded a one year reading plan. They have a different book and chapter sequence, so it’s very interesting, and I’m getting alot out of it.
I’m hearing… I’m listening to the Story of Noah. And my son getting into the stereo equipment. Oh yes, I hear it. LOL.
Around the house… spring cleaning! we re-arranged Samantha’s room, the dining room and the living room. My ‘office’ is now in the a/c living room. Thank you, Sean! I’m no longer melting.
In the kitchen… I’m on a slow cooker frenzy… beans, split peas, lentils… big pots of veggie soup, spit pea & ham, chilli, spaghetti sauce. I’m also making cookies, apple crisp, cakes – trying to have treats ready for my babies. Rather than buying junk, I want to make it! 😉 And see how I can modify it to make it a little less junky.
One of my favourite things… A clean house. I’ve said before that I’m a very bad house keeper. But an amazing thing is happening to me. I’m getting into the cleaning rhythm, and I’m beginning to enjoy doing it. I think I enjoy the sense of accomplishment, the clean house with everything in it’s place, and having a happy husband. He’s been trying to teach me to be a good house keeper for years.
Plans for the weekend… If the air is good, maybe we can go swimming. The zoo is another possibility, but swimming is cooler.
A photo thought…
We had our 'Hour of Power' (Cleaning) frenzy for several hours yesterday. Luke is the only person I know who chooses to not sleep in a bed and has been sleeping on the hard floor for months (in the lounge) so yesterday we dismantled his bed and gave it away. Now he has space to sleep on the floor of his room! We carried on in Jordan's room and de-clutered, dusted and removed some unnecessary furniture. We also made a start on the rest of the house, but only a start……another day!
It seems like an never ending job to me… you clean out a bunch of stuff only to find more stuff hiding underneath that stuff. The floor is good. I'm seriously thinking of migrating to the floor so that I don't have to worry about Timothy falling out of the bed at night, or when he's trying to go to sleep. He hates his crib. But just loves to crawl to the very edge of the bed as part of his sleep routine. Looks a bit like a dog prepping it's bed for a good nights sleep.