We celebrated Samantha and Timothy’s birthdays today. I’m not sure how many people showed up, but we had a full house and I was pleased that so many came to celebrate. I want my Kidlet’s Birthdays to be very special.
One highlight was our Russian friend, Galina, showed up and gave Timothy a new Russian nickname: Timochka. Oh, so cute!!
So, here are some photos of the cakes and the party. Sean took alot of video, so no doubt we’ll get that up fairly soon.
Cake One: Samantha’s Tinkerbell Cake
Samantha was very excited and pleased with her cake…. she followed me around for 2 days while I was making it… constantly saying, “Thank you Mummy for making my Birthday” and getting her fingers into everything for a little taste!
Cake Number Two: Timothy’s Cheeky Monkey Cake
He was kind of oblivious to it all… He just stared at the cake and while we were singing “Happy Birthday”. Morgan made a cute little Monkey puppet that matched the cake perfectly – totally unplanned. I’ll try to post video soon.
Samantha and her friend admiring the cakes and saying, “Hurry up, adults!! We want our sugar rush, and we want it NOW!”
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